Progress in Time and Radio Frequency
Office of Military Government for Germany (US)
date 10 September 1946
Lt. Col. Richard Ranger
Technical Industrial Intelligence Division
U.S. Department of Commerce
Field Information Agency, Technical
United States Group Control Council for Germany
Shown is the exceptional Michelson Interferometer setup for measuring SHF wavelengths, which they regarded being a primary frequency standard
This photo has been used primary for my Bournemouth AS11 presentation called:
Some aspects of German radar calibration
Please consider also this paper as it goes into some details of this exceptional aspect
The entire text content is in contrast to normal practice in German language
The German P.T.R. is like the US National Bureau of Standards or British NPL
Significant Points of German Technology Summary:
Summaries of P.T.R. Papers
Frequency and Time Measurements, by U. Adelsberger Summary: The report deals on one hand with fundamental methods for building crystal clocks as frequency standards for radio frequency standards for audio frequencies, on the other hand with the construction of the "Stabwellenmesser" (Wavemeter of concentric line type) as wavelength standard especially considering the demands of great accuracy for the work of the "Reichsanstalt" (P.T.R.)
Messung der Empfindlichkeit von Detektoren im Gebiet der Zentimeterwellen, by Helmut Hoyer Sensitivity measurements of Detectors in the centimetric Wave Band. Summary: An equipment for measuring sensitivity of detectors at 6300 megacycles (4.8 cm wavelength) over a wide power range is described. (Input 10-4 to 10-9 watts, output 10-9 to 10-15 watts, that means down to about noise level due to the shot effect). The sensitivity values as defined were found to be approximately constant in the range of power. The results of measurements on a great number of detectors are given.
Bericht über die im Hochfrequenzlaboratorium ausgeführteb Arbeiten über Amplitudenmodulation von Magnetfeldsendern, by W. Schaffeld Report on the work done on Amplitude Modulation of Magnetron Oscillators in the High Frequency Laboratory.
Die Eigenschaften von Bündelungstrichtern im Zentimeter-Wellengebiet, by W. Kebbel Summary: In the paper, the most current important problems in the design of wide-band direct current amplifiers are outlined. Using RC-coupling, the different possibilities of expanding the amplification range is discussed and finally the circuit of a special amplifier is shown.
Ergänzungen zu dem Bericht über die im Hochfrequenzlaboratorium entwickelten Interferometer nach Michelson, by W. Schaffeld Summary: Construction and operation of two interferometers of the Michelson type are described. These interferometers are used for wavelength measurements in the range between 6.8 and 0.37 cm. Measurements with one of the inferometers is compared with the crystal clock at wavelength of 2.7 cm.
Über Leistungmessungen im Gebiet der Zentimeterwellen, by Helmut Hoyer and Karl Forger Summary: In this paper, the construction of electromagnetic horns to obtain optimum results are described. The work is the summary of detailed experimental work. Summary: For power measurments of altering currents at ultra-high frequencies up to 10,000 megacycles (3 cm wave-length) the power fed to a so-called "Urdox" of which the resistance decreases with increasing temperature; the decrease in resistance is measured by a bridge-circuit. The method of coupling the Urdox resistance into concentric cables and hollow pipe lines is given. Range so far achieved: 20 microwatts to 4 watts. Furthermore, a method of caloricmetric power measurement on hollow tubes is described.
Bericht über den im Hochfrequenzlaboratorium (K.t.) entwickelten Impulsgenerator für variable Impulsbreiten, by R. Süss Summary: This paper deals, with the physical and theoretical principles and practical accomplishments of an impulse generator supplying nearly rectangular impulses with steep side and variable maximum voltage between 0 and 2000 volts. At a fundamental impulse frequency of 500 cycles the impulse width is variable from 25 to 240 microseconds, the relative fluctuation of the high voltage during the impulse time of 140 microseconds is less than 2.5% and is about 500 watts. Further, it is shown that by employing a suitable output tube, higher impulse tension and power may be obtained.
Bericht aus dem Hochfrequenzlaboratorium (K.T.) über Direktverstärker für Messzwecke, by R. Süss
Bericht über die im Hochfrequenzlaboratorium entwickelten Interfermeter nach Michelson, by W. Schaffeld
Methode zur Abschätzung des Wirkungsgrades von Magnetfeldröhrgeneratoren im Zentimeter- und Millimeter-Wellengebiet, by W. Schaffeld Summary: By the methods described, the efficiency of magnetron tubes can be determined from direct current data.
Darstellung von Einzelheiten der Schaltung der Quarzuhren, by U. Adelsberger Summary: The particular parts and the most important data of the oscillator, the frequency dividing stages, and the switchboard are explained in tables.
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