
Handbooks, papers, (official) reports, manuals and product catalogues

Status: 21 October 2017

 Please consider for 'apparatus and system docs' also our special page: Manuals (new since 2009)


Consider for Product information, the section: product catalogues, very down this page


40 Jahre S&H - Zeichen (trade-marks), Aus der Geschichte des Hauses Siemens (Siemens Zeitschrift 1938)

Adolf Franke †, Aus der Geschichte des Hauses Siemens, Siemens Zeitschrift 1940

Akustische Kennung (obsolete Würzburg IFF) Blatt C002

Aluminium in der Hochfrequenztechnik L. Rohde & H. Schwarz FTM 1936/10

Allied BIOS - CIOS - FIAT Reports, their numbers and subjects

Antennenfragen: Ausgewählte Fragen über Theorie und Technik von Antennen GBN-ZWB Heft 1

Antennenfragen: Ausgewählte Fragen über Theorie und Technik von Antennen GBN-ZWB Heft 2 

(Some) Aspects of German Airborne Radar Technology, 1942 - 1945 (Available on 21 October 2006)

Annalen der Physik (und Chemie) 1897 - 1905. All indexes and some papers by: Max Planck, Albert Einstein and others

APZ6 Frieseke & Höpfner Werkschrift of March 1942, for its full manual

Arbeitskreistagung Röhren (Bericht), held in Breslau on March 27-28 March 1944

AS4, Handbuch (Manual); D.(Luft) T. 4456

Aspects of German radar calibration, HISTEST2011 paper, held at Bournemouth University 17 September 2011

ATHOS FuMB35, a passive radar system, designed for U-boats as to allow early warning for both 9 and 3 cm signals

ATM, Archiv für Technisches Messen, Archive for technical measurements, general page (in progress)

Bedeutung der Frequenz- und Zeitmessung in der Schweizer Luftwaffe (Swiss Air Force), by Hans Jucker

Bedeutung und Grundlagen der modernen Telegraphieverbindungen By H. Simon (FTM)

Bericht über die Dienstreise zur Gruppe Nord. German report on a trip from Karlshagen (Peenemünde)  to The Hague in The Netherlands, visiting (inspecting) the V2 (=A4) launching sites (26 December up to about 31 December 1944)

Berlin FuG224 or FuMO81 (Manuals)

Berlin FuG 224 circuit explanation. Marine -Ausbildungsstelle (NT) Zweigstelle Thale a.H (pdf, 3,7MB)

Berlin Radar, FuG224, Gen.-Nachrichtenführer Ln-Insp. 6.Abt. Nr.42080/44 gKdos, with attached some of the AGR pages (minutes of a meeting of 1944, with very interesting figures on the delivering of early prototypes and H2S copies (Rotterdam A) to various German military organisations!

Blauschrift-Röhre type LB50, based on: The Skiatron or Dark Trace Tube (G. Wikkenhauser)(pdf)

BOA12 - MEK8 and MG15, Tfb1-5. Helmut Schicke's brief description of some of the most deployed carriers telephone systems in Germany

Boltzmann Ludwig, Festschrift zum sechzigsten Geburtstag am 20. Februar 1904

Bruneval report , transcript of T.R.E. (TRE) Report No 6/R/25 (transcript of essential parts)

Carl Bosch Laboratory of Berlin (AEG) CIOS File No. XXX-35

Carl Zeiss Stiftung, transcript from CIOS Report XXXIII-51

Cavity magnetron considerations, did Randall and Boot invented the cavity resonator?

CFQ Quartz-clock, designed by Rohde and Leonardt of Rohde & Schwarz (CFQ)

cm-Technik 5-10(3) cm, 1940-1944; Telefunken Labor EL5 Dr. Brürck, Magnetron und Reflexklystron LD20 usw.

BIOS-CIOS-FIAT Reports Allied Post War Reports on German Sciences and Technology including Industry

D.762/1 Feldverstärker a  (Manuals)

D.987 UKWE c1 (Manuals)

D.1014/1: Manuals 

D.(Luft) T.1408 =M.Dv.Nr.279: Manuals

D.(Luft) T.4069 Bordfunkgerät FuG16ZY: Manuals

Das neue Patentgesetz 1936 (Siemens Zeitung, April 1937)

DASD CQ, German pre-war wireless radio-amateur magazine of 1937 (selection of topics, in progress)

DASD-CQ 1939-44, various topics. Containing a call-sign list of 86 licensed radio hams (1944), a survey on actual figures

Die AEG-Kleinzange zum Schweißen und Löten    Von Dipl.-ing. W. Glage, Fabriken Henningsdorf. Among it: Ausführungs-Beispiele für Schmelz-Schweißverbindungen. Schweißen der Verdrahtungen in der Nachrichtentechnik. Von M. Zeh, Telefunken. Derived from:   AEG Mitteilungen Heft 9/12 . September/Dezember Berlin 1943   (NEW)

Die Antennenanpassung der Panzerfunkanlagen, Theoretische Analyse und technische Bewertung am Beispiel des Funkgerätesatzes Fu5. By: Günter M. König (DJ8CY)

Der Weg zur Normfrequenz 50 Hz, Wie aus einem Wirrwarr von Periodenzahlen die Standardfrequenz 50 Hz hervorging

Diesselhorst Kompensationsapparat (Potentiometer) (Zs.f.Instrumentenkunde) 1906-1908

Der Analogcomputer als Medium der Zeitmanipulation, by Teresa Busjahn; paper given at: Humbolt-Universität zu Berlin, Seminar für Medienwissenschaft SoSe 2008. Veranstaltung Medienzeit als Provokation von Mediengeschichte. Dozent Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ernst. This paper is also dealing with aspects of analogcomputing employed in conjunction with: V-2 rocket steering (Hoelzer)

Deutschlands Rohstoffversorgung, Vortrag, gehalten in der "Deutschen Gesellschaft 1914". By Walther Rathenau, published in 1916

DMG3G old version

DMG3aG Manual, Betriebsvorschrift

DIOGANES Bunker-Telephone-exchange alignment data, for the systems MEK8 of AEG and the multiplex carrier-telephone-system type BOA-12, made and delivered by: Bell Telephone Mfg. Co. Antwerpen (Belgium). Some tables indicate a date of 21-9-1942

Donnerkeil Unternehmung, Operation Thunder-stone, the famous escape through the Straight of Dover by the "Scharnhorst - Gneisenau and the Prinz Eugen of 11/12 February 1942

Doppler patent US1981884, first basic patent of moving object detection (indication or MTI), by Taylor, Young and Hyland of 13 June 1933

DR38/FR38 Manual (handbook) Philips/NSF car radio-telephone. DR = draagbare radio type 38; FR38 fixed point radio-telephone often used a office buildings (PDF)

DR42 Manual (handbook) Philips/NSF VHF portable transceiver (PDF), German version with Na part numbers (Kriegsmarine)

DR78 Manual (handbook) Philips/NSF portable shortwave transceiver (PDF 1.6 MB), German language, Kriegsmarine version

Düppel - window - chaff; some brief details on what Fritz Trenkle me had told me some weeks before he sadly died in March 1996. He particularly explained to me where the name Düppel came from. The origin of this code-name is not everywhere well acknowledged

Düsseldorf/Aachen talk 2006, on Hülsmeyer and his early radar commitments, PDF upgrade, of my Power Point talk in Cologne, on 6 November 2006, and modified for  Veron talks 2007(pdf, 4.5 MB)

Dv.g.7 (= Dv.Nr.534) Allgemeine Schlüsselregeln für die Wehrmacht, Vom 1.4.1944

EB 1/3a, S&H Seitenband-Auswahlgerät 9 Funk 144K1 (single sideband adapter to all Köln E52 receivers)

Ebbe Peedersen 1950s photos, showing artefacts to be found in Denmark

eKM- und hM-Rechner II am Fu.M.G. 39TD (Flak) (= Würzburg 62 D = FuSE62D) Firmenschrift Elt508, Geräte-Handbuch, September 1944

Elektronenstrahl-Oszillograph (CRT Oscilloscopes) (consider ATM various)

Elektrolytischen Trog, Die Aufnahme von Potentialbildern, Electrolytic bath (tub), registration of electric fields

Einbau des Breitbandkabelzuges und der Dipolstütze in die Anlage FuSE62, Blatt H009 (XVII/44)

Enigma M.Dv. 32/1     Handbuch, manual

Enigma, (G-)schreibende Chiffriermaschine, Arthur Scherbius, aus ETZ 1923, Heft 47/48

E.N.T., Elektrische Nachrichten-Technik (ENT various)

Dr. Erich Zepler, Ein wechselvolles Leben für die Funktechnik, Funkgeschichte (GFGF) issue No.72 1980

Establisment of the Forschungsanstalt der Deutschen Reichspost, CIOS Report No. XXXI-I

EZS2 Handbuch D.(Luft) T.4451; Februar 1941

EZS2, Foto und Schaltbild

OE509, Allwellenempfänger, Lorenz, Beschreibung Nr. 78/43-3.Auflage

EO4139 manual

Ernst-Lecher-Institut, Vorschlag Nr. 2; German radar research report on ECCM technolgy 26-2-1945

Erzeugung und Verstärkung von Dezimeter- und Zentimeterwellen, by H.E. Hollmann TFT 1942/1943 a series of three interesting papers

Ferdinand Braun's Nobel Prize lecture of 1909, where he shared the Nobel Prize of Physics with Marconi

Ferdinand Braun's CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) paper of 1897 (Annalen der Physik und Chemie)

Ferdinand Braun's "Wellenempfindliche Kontaktstelle" patent file DE178871, which is the whisker detector diode patent of 1906 on behalf of Telefunken

Fernseh A.G. Hausmitteilungen aus Forschung und Betrieb der Fernseh Aktiengesellschaft, 1938 - 1942

Fernsehen und Tonfilm, papers; TV Tech 1940-1942, TV history

Fibel FuG200, Trainings manual for technicians, Ln-trainings centre Halle a/d Saale

Franke Kompensationsapparat 1904 (Kompensator = Potentiometer) (Zs.f.Instrumentenkunde)

FTM, Funk-Technische Monatshefte (various) (in progress)

FuG25A 'Erstling' Manual

Fug 25a 'Erstling' paper by: German airborne target identification transponder FuG 25a Erstling

FuG101a, Elektrischer Höhenmesser, Kurzbeschreibung und Betriebsvorschrift E93001, LGW, Luftfahrtgerätewerk Hakenfelde G.m.b.H. Berlin-Spandau 1942

FuG102 (FuG102A)

FuG103 (FuG103A)

FuG200 Hohentwiel aspects of circuit design, by Hans Jucker Switzerland

FuG202, Lichtenstein b/c, Manual, Halle a/d Saale. State of affairs: Januar 1943

FuG227 Flensburg Geräte-Handbuch, July 1944 (Fensburg = code-name = "Deckname")

FuHEb, technical information

FuMB26 Tunis

FuMB28, Navy type ZM4. More or less equal to GAF type FuG350

Funkhöhenmesser FuG101a mit Frequenzmodulation, by Jans Jucker

FuMB 26 Tunis, incorpoarting FuMB24 and FuMB25 (Fliege und Mücke), for S- and X-Band radar signals, Werkschrift bou. EW radar warning receiver system

Funkmessnachrichten 19 British post war translation (Radar News 19) translation of 1945

FuSE65E (FuMG65E) Funk-Meßgerät Eisenbahn, (railway version of the Giant Wurzburg) D.(Luft) T.4507/6

FZG64, Rehbock manual

German Army Wireless Equipment; A critical survey of the mechanical and electrical features; by W. Farrar, The Royal Signals Quarterly Journal, 1947

(the) German Wartime Struggle to catch up with Allied Power Magnetron Technology 1943-1945 (My CAVMAG2010 contribution hrld on 20 April 2010 at Bournemouth University)

gKdos 2120/44 (BB.Nr. 2120/44 gK), minutes of the meeting held on 4 December 1944 in Karlshagen (Peenemünde), objective was to increase its tactical range (performance) and to cope with actual material shortages of various kinds

G-Schreiber T 52 d (SFM T52d), (Siemens Fernmelde Maschine Type T52d) various details

Großpeil- und Empfangsanlage Wullenwever Type HF 2076, an OSW document, made by Germans on behalf of the Russians, in 1946

Gruppenhorch-Anlage Baumuster AN 301 m,n mit 2 x 24 Kristallempfängern mit Rumpf- bzw. Balkon-Einbau, 2. Ausgabe Juli 1944, Anforderungs-Nummer NWa 055022. OKM/NWa I EB Nr. 29665g 1944; Go/Hb. Juli 1944, Werkschrift jmz (= Atlas Werke Bremen)  Anlagen 1-8; As the attachments 1 to 8 are in format landscape A3, these have been loaded as a separate file

Gundelach catalogue 1937 (CRTs and special valves)

Halske, (Johann Georg) Aus der Geschichte des Hauses Siemens, Siemens Zeitschrift 1940

Hardly (some) known aspects of German military communications during World War Two

Heegner (Kurt) patents, paper on Kurt Heegner's quartz crystal oscillator patents

Hermann Göring Works, Paul Pleiger Hütte Stahlwerke Braunschweig

Hescho product guide 1939 (very interesting!)

Hescho temperature coefficient measuring (ATM)

H.F Radars, (some aspects of), by Hans Jucker. Dealing with historical aspects of over the horizon radars (OTH)

High speed tunnels and other research in Germany. CIOS XXVIII-47

Hisentroll (and/or Hisenvert), British paper of 1946

Hochfrequenz-Fachleute für die Luftwaffe, a desperate call for high-frequency electronic engineers and technicians, of 1943

Hoelzer's talk on the development of the anolog computer used in the V2 (A4) rocket

Hollmann, Physik und Technik der ultrakurzen Wellen (some subjects)

Impulskennung B für FuSE62 und 65, Blockschema, Blatt C003-1 + C003-4 (Verkabelung)

Impulskennung B für FuSE62, Blatt H006, Nachrüstung, latest IFF integration

Jagdschloß (Jagdschloss) A, FuG 404 trainings-manual for technicians (History of Radar)

Japanese Würzburg (Wurzburg) copy

Klein-Heidelberg, a survey on the technique of a quite mysterious German Bi-static radar system.

Köln E52 (Koeln) main page, especially dealing with Köln related patents

Köln (Koeln) E 52 receiver, how to re-calibrate its microfilm scale professionally?

Köln E 52 restoration project, Part I - IV

Kurssteuerung, some various illustrations, on: Siemens LGW K12P; Kursfunkanlage and LLG1:: Patin-Fernkompass; Ferntochterkompass; PKZ Patin-Mutterkompass-Kurskreisel principle; Stromlaufplan L-Anlage (V-25)

Landsberg-Tagungsberichte, conference papers on "Navigation" German DF technology of March 1944

L.Dv.702/1 Heft 152 Der 100 Watt-Sender (Manuals)

Lichtenstein SN2 Leitwertmesser S750c, D027. Test set for checking the electrical length of antenna cables. Their lengths was an important system parameter!

Lichtenstein airborne radars FuG202 / FuG220 SN2, by Hans Jucker

Liebich (Helmut) DL1OY, transcript of an interesting letter to fellow radio amateur (HAM) PA0SE of 2 April 1993

LGW (Siemens-Spandau) Bericht Nr.7, Flugzeugsteuerungen (Prinzipbilder) LGW & Patin

Ln20978 +D017-1 + D017-2/3 + D017-4 + D017-5, Leistungsmesser zum Würzburg FuSE62/65; Mainz FuSE63; Mannheim FuSE64

Lo70KL40 manual and schematics

Lorenz 50 Jahre (50 Jahre C. Lorenz), Festschrift of 1930

Luftboden-Empf-Programm: revolutionary receiver program 1939/41 (Köln E 52, Koeln E52, Ulm E 53)

Luftleitergebilde für Luftschiffe, this is the original Zepp-antenna (Antenne) patent DE225204

Magnetron (cavity) fundamental patents of Boot and Randall of 1941, US2542966 and US2648028

Magnetron cavity strapping, based on parts of Hans-Joachim Fischer's book: Radartechnik (1956)

Magnetron strapping invented by J. Sayers of Britain in 1941, which got US2546870

Magnetron strapping technology (derived from the famous MIT series)

Marine Druckschriftverwaltung Nr. 32/1, Enigma, Schlüssel M4 Handbuch, Manual, Dienstvorschrift

Max-A and Max-P, an advanced homing system developed in the final stage of WW II (1944/1955)

M.Dv.Nr. 32/1 Enigma 4 rotor manual (Schlüssel M4)

M.Dv.Nr.35 Manual to Siemens & Halske G-Schreiber (Geheimschreiber or secret teletype) SFM T52d Including: OKM NWa 1785/44 gKdos

M.Dv.Nr.279: Manuals

M.Dv.Nr.291: Manuals

"Meddo" Bericht, a German wartime scientific report on a captured US airborne radar AN/APS15

Mikrofone (Microphones) Telefunken paper, Funktechnik in Briefen (1938)

Mitteilungen Über RV-Gerät, Periodical on behalf of Dienststelle L 36535 LG. PA. Dresden 1. April - 15 August 1944

Na-Liste der Kriegsmarine Nachrichtenmittel, Meßgeräte-Kennblätter, German Navy selection of test-equipment, stock-list

Niederfrequenz-Verstärker-Einrichtungen für Fernsprech- und Rundfunk-Leitungen Siemens & Halske Dezember 1943 

Notlandung eines B-17 mit APS-15 in der Schweiz, 27 February  1945 (by Hans Jucker)

N.V.K. Kreuzrahmen-Goniometer-Landpeilanlage NVK-GL/39 Telefunken-Peilüberlagerungsempfänger T8PL39 (Martin)

Oslo report, aspects based on R.V. Jones'  book Reflections on Itelligence, and Don H. Johnson's paper: Origines of the Equivalent Circuit Concept: The Current-Source Equivalent (IEEE 2003).

Patent dbase, selection of interesting German patents, (in progress)

Phased array basics, and some remarks to antenna beam steering of Lichtenstein b/c

Philips wartime espionage information originating from Philips Eindhoven

Philips Works at Eindhoven, Cios target visit on 23-26 September 1944 (team-leader R. Watson-Watt)

Precision time measurements (aspects of), controlled by means of piezo-electric-vibrators, as deployed in Germany, prior to 1950 (integral paper)

PRST S 62, D 005-1 + D 005-2 + D 005-3 + D 005-4 + D 005-5

PRST SÜ 62, D 006-1 Test set

Prüffeld-Prüfvorschrift 2/205, DB/P Prüfeld-Leitung Ausfertigungsnummer 79, d.d. 6.6.1944. Alignment of the FuG224 Berlin radar Receiver and IF stages

PTE (now R&S) product catalogue of about 1938 (Rohde & Schwarz)

Q-Gerät (also known as KUH), some pages of a training manual. Please also notice Exhibits details for 24 Februari 2011!

Quarzuhren, Quartz clocks, 4 papers of A. Scheibe

Quecksilberthermometer, Mercury precision thermometer at PTR (ATM)

Radar files on Würzburg - Freya-Mammut and related ECCM technologies. Originating from Heinz Trochelmann's archive

Radio Mentor various, selection of topics 1939 - 1941

Radar News 19 (Funkmessnachrichten 19)of 25.2.1945

Rel.mse.2030a Siemens & Halske description Rel.beschr.755a, audio spectrum analyzer, 1935/36


Resotank Type HB 14, Zs f Hochfrequenztechnik & Elektroakustik, June 1943

RPG1 manual of a fine valve tester Röhrenprüfgerät (PDF)

RPG2 manual (D.(Luft) T.4211. Röhrenprüfgerät RPG2, Geräte-Handbuch, Beschreibung und Wirkungsweise sowie Bedienung und Wartung, September 1941 (PDF) Valve tester for type RL12P35 only

RS44, Manaual to: Schlüsselanleitung zum Rasterschlüssel 44, Ag WNV/Fu I Nr. 3000/44 geh, with attached instruction letter of: OKW Ag WNV Nr. 1908/44 geh., date 18 Oktober 1944, signed by General Praun

Rudolf Hell, Company anniversary (R&D) 1929 - 1939 (Mitteilungen)

Rukop's paper on Telefunken valves (tubes)

Runge Wilhelm T. letter to Fritz Trenkle of 1983 (history of radar)

Sachs' (Ernst), Chef des Fernmeldewesens (who was, according the header of  this letter: Chief of Communications) letter to Heinrich Himmler of 31 July 1944

Schlüssel M4 Begleitbuch (Nr. 15835), and accompanied letter g.Kdos.626 of 20.4.1945 and a very rare transport receipt to it, dated 21 April 1945 

Siemens-Hell-Schreiber (Der Siemens-Hell-Schreiber) TFT Bd 30 H2-1941 (NEW)

Siemens & Halske telephone measuring apparatus, 1940

Siemens - LGW Kurssteuerung, Das regel- und Verstärkerprinzip, K 4ü, K 12, Dämpfungskreisel LDK1, PDF 3.3 MB

Siemens-Übermikroskop (Electron Microscope)(Borries and Ruska) (Siemens Zeitschrift 1940)

Siemens-Verdam, telex error corrections for wireless links (Telefunken Zeitung December 1934)

SIGESO file, British (partly US) reports on German scientific work in the field of electronics!!!

Split-anode magnetron, paper by W. Runge, Telefunken Zeitung Nr. 69 December 1934

sTUDIEN ÜBER AUFGABEN DER FERNSPRECHTECHNIK, Max Langer, Abteilungs-Direktor der Siemens & Halske AG. 1936

TME 11-219 Allied report on German Radar of April 1945, providing very interesting photos (History of Radar)

T 200 FK 39, brief manual and associated photos and side information (very exceptional designed u-boat transmitter!)(U-Boot-Sender)

Telecommunications and Equipment in Germany during the period 1939-1945 (BIOS Surveys Report No. 29)

Telefunken Zeitung paper of October 1925 on "Radio-Malabar"

TFb D.(Luft) T.9000 Trägerfrequenzgerät (Manuals)

TFT various (selection of papers) of 1936 - 1944 (in progress)

The French Transistor, by Armand Vandormael. Two German Scientist worked in Paris (H. Welker and H. Mataré), after World War Two, on a device that we nowadays know as  "Transistor"  PDF 3.1 MB

Thyratron, The Evolution of the Hydrogen Thyratron

Tonschreiber b (German tape recorder type b, 1944), post war report (pdf)

Tonverwerfung und Springen eines Schwingaudions beim Durchstimmen des Vorkreises, Tel.Zt. Dezember 1934, Nummer 69

Torn Fu h: Manuals

Transmission and reception of Centimeter Radio Waves, By Chester W. Rice, General Electric Review No. 8 August 1936 And its introduction on US radar on SHF (6.25 GHz  λ = 4.8 cm).  

TV Research and Developments in Germany 1930 - 1940

Urdox-Widerstände (ATM)

Verloren jaren, Johan Kredit's wartime experience as being a forced labour. His time spent in and around Berlin 1943-1945 A very exceptional recollection

Verwaltungs- und Wirtschatsbestimmungen des Wehrmachtsbefehlshabers in den Niederlanden Ausgabe 2 Nur Für den Dienstgebrauch (Very interesting document)

Vibrationsgalvanometer mit elektromagnetischer Abstimmung, H. Schering & R. Schmidt (Zs.f.Instrumentenkunde)

Vielschlitz-Hochtast-Magnetfeldröhre. Paper given during a special wartime conference on: Arbeitskreistagung Röhren, held on 27 - 28 March 1944 in Breslau

VO vom 15.1.44 RGBl. II S.5 (Ministrialverordnung): VO 15-1-1944

Vorgeschichte und erste Generation Frühwarn - Radar bis ca. 1960, by Hans Jucker (pdf 8 MB)

Wanted information on a German radar display unit, who sold and owns it now. It was sold some years ago on ebay!! Please contact us!

Wartime recollection, by Johan Krediet: Verloren Jaren 1940 - 1945?

Wellenberatung für die Truppe (Rechlin report) (wave propagation and phenomena)

Werkstattbuch Würzburg FuSE62 and FuSE65 (FMG 39T)

Werner von Siemens und das deutsche Patentwesen (Siemens Zeitung October 1936)(Transcript)

Wolff Kompensator (Potentionmeter), 1901, (Zeitschrift für Instrumentenkunde)

WT40 (Siemens & Halske), Fernschreibgerätelehre - Das WT 40 Telegrafiegerät. Arbeitsunterlagen für den nachrichtentechnischen Unterricht. Fsg-S XII, Gedruckt in der Druckerei der Gr. NTU, Luftnachrichtenschule Halle (Saale) Januar 1943 (Telex, multi-channel FSK interface)

Zeitwaage, Time balance, measuring daily deviations of watches (ATM, J154-5)



Product catalogues:

10 Jahre Selen Trockengleichrichter SAF    Süddeutsche Apparate-Fabrik G.M.B.H. Nürnberg

AEG-Drehfeldrichtungsanzeiger (three phase mains rotation indicator (RST)

AEG Flexo-Leitungen (entirely in rubber embedded lab. cables) (August 1936)

AEG-Gleichstrom-Vielfachmesser (ATM various)

AEG-Schalbuchsen (July 1940)

AEG-Schwingkontakt-Meßgleichrichter (January 1939)(ATM)

Askania - Bordgeräte Zusammenstellung der wichtigsten Daten und wesentlichen Merkmale; Sonderdruck d. Flugzeugtypenbuch 1937/38

Calit Calan, Hescho brochure of March 1933, showing the state of art of 1932/33 (Ceramics & Dielectrics)

Cambridge A.C. Instruments for High Frequencies, Catalogue List 162 (1925-27?)

ES111, Die Ablenkendstufe des Fernseh-Gemeinschaftsempfängers E1 (Die Telefunken-Röhre August 1941-Heft 21/22

Hartmann & Braun, Inkavi instruction booklet

Harmann & Braun Multavi II and various measuring instruments

Hescho catalogue on ceramic capacitors for radio applications, year 1938

R & S (PTE) Preisliste Meßgeräte und Hilfsmittel  1941 and partial brief product guide of 1949

Siemens & Halske Universal-Schleifen-Oszillograph (8-channels)

Siemens Störmeßgerät Typ STMG 33

Siemens Störsuchmeßgerät STMG1867 and Typ Su.G.1868

Siemens Kupferoxydul-Gleichrichter, (ATM, year 1937)

Siemens Leuchtwechselzahlen mit 8 cm Zahlenhöhe  (numerical diplay)(Siemens Zeitschrift)

Steatit - Magnesia ceramic products

Steeg-Liste 1958 (Selling off catalogue of Surplus material on behalf of the West-German governement)

Telefunken book of 1919, dealing with their company history and a actual production catalogue, most likely reflecting the state of affairs at the end of World War One (WW I)

Telefunken data sheets on their commercial products 1933 - 1941. Transmitters, receivers and related gear


temporary link onto the Kootwijk film page



Lilienthal - Gesellschaft leaflet call for a contest 1942

Go back to, or continue with: Manuals

Proceed with: Telefunken producht data sheets
