Aspecten van Precisiemetingen
This event was held on
25 November 2000
and a few days thereafter
in the main building A (Gebouw A)
of Radio Kootwijk
This was the last opportunity to see some of the remaining Kootwijk transmitters. Which partly had been collected on behalf of the manager (Beheerder) Martin Nieuwenhuizen. It sadly worked out differently, and most have been dispersed everywhere. Some even be scrapped.
Please notice, that this film is meant only for private use and that can only be download when you have access to ADSL or other fast internet means
Please notice the better quality MP4 version below
This video film was made by Theo Ensing
The exhibition was accomplished in close cooperation between
Studie Collectie Elektrotechniek TU-Delft
our Fondation:
C.D.V. & T.
However, also supported by several individuals
Please consider also our special dedicated webpage on "Measurments"
This film is firstly in converted into flv or flash format.
Which is supported by VLC Media Player
When you don't have this versatile freeware player, it can be download at:
Thanks to Peter Eijlander, who handled the video conversions
Peter Eijlander has also provided for us a far better resolution version. Which is less compressed in data size though, having far better video quality.
Since 12 January we give also access to MP4 format. As to keep data size within reasonable limits, Peter has divided the one hour four minutes film into five sections
Kootwijk-2000-deel1 (mp4)
On 24 February 2021
A few days after the events on Saturday 25th November 2000, Dutch Polytechnique students from The Hague, visited our exhibition on a morning at Kootwijk,
the next films have been made accessible since: 24th February 2021 been added onto our website.
(organised thanks to Theo Ensing's intervention; whom also took the video-films)
Kootwijk-2000-deel 2 (mp4) (24-2'21)
Kootwijk-2000-deel 3 (mp4) (24-2'21)
Kootwijk-2000-deel 4 (mp4) (24-2'21)
Kootwijk-2000-deel 5 (mp4) (24-2'21)
Please view now the compressed film version (notice the better quality version provided above) video made in November 2000
It may be better sometimes, that you first download it entirely and save it in your computer.
Please return to, or proceed with: the main Kootwijk measurements webpage