About the exceptional coaxial connector designed by Telefunken, used for the
Lichtenstein SN 2 (Li-SN2)
FuG 220
and other systems
Nightfighter equipment
Reshuffling my office recently, I came across a 'Post-it' note showing a variety of notations on patents related to the Köln receiver E 52 .. as well as on other interesting facts.
Showing our reconstructed Lichtenstein SN2 to visitors - I always stress that I sadly never traced the actual patent to it. But, I found a reference in the so-called: Auszüge Deutscher Patent-Anmeldungen. Between late 1945 and, say, early 1949 the Berlin Patent Bureau had to provide abridgements on all German Patent Applications, from late 1920 up the ceasefire in May 1945; on behalf of the American and British Occupational Forces.
Auszüge Deutscher Patent-Anmeldungen,
translated briefly: German Patent Applications Abridgements
Those dealing with technical German techniques can hardly praise this project enough! Why? After the hostilities in Europe ceased the major bulk of German patent documents were shipped to the US. The Allied industries were free to obtain these at will legally. Although, after the creation of the 'Bundes Republik' most patents returned to the legal owners. But not all!
And, the Li-SN 2 antenna-connector patent application was most likely among it. Therefore, in some cases this is the only reference source available showing the full extent of the German intellectual (technical) patent claims.
I have collected all of interest, of course, from my objective. It, nevertheless, might give an interesting inside vision on this intriguing subject.
First quoting from our, older, web webpage:
The discovery (February 2006) of, until very recently, lost patent files (marked formally "not available"), passes a very strong indication, that the Allies, shortly after the end of the continental hostilities, may have manipulated the existence of these kinds of patent documents. Many of these carry a special stamp: Micro Filmed By FIAT. I have earmarked them with an additional suffix "ap"* (DExxxxxap) (please omit this suffix "ap", when you apply for patent files on the web) . We may be lucky, that these documents (partly being hand written) give us an inside vision as to how German patent applications were handled. * Consider also: VO vom 15.1.44 with its historical context and links to background information on the history of German patent legislation and, for example - DE762245 ap
Only the German "depatisnet" can provide these documents. The European patent database still is showing negative results.
Please view, for example: DE762245
Most likely you have never encountered this kind of patent document!
Let us return to the related patent application (abridgement):
Band II (Volume 2 page 903)
21 c 22 T 59 020 VIIIb
The latter numbers point: the first one what the actual group serial is - 'T' stood for Telefunken - and the numbers constitute the application data.
Anm(eldung). Telefunken Gesellschaft für drahtlose Telegraphie mbH., Berlin-Zehlendorf
Steckerbuchse. Die Federn werden in einen Buchsenkörper eingesetzt der hierfür aussen mit Nuten versehen ist, und stehen mit ihren freien Enden über diesen Buchsenkörper vor. Darüber wird eine Hülze (aus Stahl) geschoben, die einen Flansch als Anlage für die Federn und als Führung für den Stecker hat, und durch Eindrücken am Buchsenkörper befestigt.
This is the typical fuzzy language of former German Patent Applications. Describing it so broadly that, when it comes to a legal case, one can likely find various ways of interpretations. This was the way these games were played. They all did so in Germany.
The patent language is too difficult to translate for me, as it is hardly possible to convert it into another language without losing its fuzzy meaning. At least - I can't do it.
Why is this patent so relevant? Because, it does not need a centre pin connection, but it is using the centre core of the coaxial cable, like we know in modern days being like the F-connector. There is no way around, that Telefunken was the first entity to exploit this connector concept.
I guess, that only Germans can enjoy (appreciate) the way it is being worded and how it actually is accomplished!
This connector is a replica, for simplicity we used brass instead of a steel. In wartime days, brass was a strategic material. Copper plated steel replaced scare materials sufficiently. HF currents flow only in the very outer metal skin (known as skin-effect)
It is not unlikely that there does exist another patent application, but in the about 12 years of my patent searches in London archives, I did not came across it. I went several times through all the relevant abridgement volumes (and much more). All of interest was copied. The major difficulty, instantly understanding where it once have been used for. No one acquainted to German wartime techniques can instantly match an abridgements onto an application. Luckily, in many occasions I understood where it once was applied for.
By Arthur O. Bauer