Tjimandi & Tjililin
Please notice: that this webpage does contain about 6 MB data. When your access is limited please bear this in mind
Again, this particular photo-album was also donated by late Bob Grevenstuk
This album most likely originate from the late 1920s and very early 1930s
On the back of some of the photos on the "Kantelbeam" (tilting beams) is hand-written that it shows the state of affairs of 1929. Consequently, some photos must originate from an earlier date.
Note of the editor: This album also show strong signs that Klaas Dijkstra took most of the photos, or was at least heavily involved in creating this photographic series.
First text:
Radiostations op de Bandoengsche Hoogvlakte
Radio Station Tjimindi met kantelbeams
In bedryf stellen van koelwaterbron en zender
Starting up of the cooling-water-source (fountain)
The shadows at the corners originate from the fact that some photos could not be detached of the album page-sheet.
Maybe a bit fuzzy, but due to this picture is getting some tension
This photo shows at the right-hand site some error, but it, nevertheless, still is of some interest
It actually shows the transmitter operated for the transmitter link ANK
On its back, like some other photos too, mentions 1929.
The tilting beam more in detail.
Shown the tilting beam more in details
Please, compare the persons in front in respect to the tallness of the antenna-mast.
Its purpose is to chose the optimal angle of radiation towards actual propagation path. Please notice, that stations in Indonesia had to maintain very long-distance communications. Like the Holland but also Tokyo or to the US.
Typically Klaas Dijkstra, taking many pictures of equal situation
Kantelbeam met werkplaats
Maybe providing the best impression how the antenna site did look like
According the Dutch caption this was the employed personnel.
In my perception, such a station hardly was ran and controlled by locals only; so far, it is the first time that local Indonesians were shown. In those days there existed a huge gap between European and Indonesian personnel. Sad, but that was how society was (acted).
Unbelievable, there were Europeans who never eat Indonesian food! All their food stuff came by mail-boat or later even aircraft from Europe.
De automatische zender A.N.K. 1930
Shown is the transmitter dedicated to the wireless link designated: ANK
Zendstation Tjililin
The typical colonial stile building
Viewing the same building, but now noticing more its environment
In those days HT was often delivered by means of generators than by transformers and accompanied rectifiers, as motor generators can be more easily controlled by simple means.
Radiostudio of Intel
The caption does not provide its exact purpose, though, Intel may point to "Indische Telefoon" or that like. Nowadays, to what I have seen up to the 1990s, one find "Prumtel".
One photo is missing, but might be found somewhere in Klaas Dijkstra's book Radio Malabar volume 2.
Spreekkamer met draaibare microfoon
The latter may underline my perception. This room was used for telephone calls to Holland or other long distance countries. In contrast to a regular telephone a group of people, like a family, could take part in the telephone conversation. I guess, that what came from abroad, was heard from a loudspeaker. Therefore, the microphone was mounted rotatable, so that it could be pointed at the one who was currently talking.
Maybe not well visible, during the preparation of this current page, I discovered that the wall was having 'sound damping' provisions, as to prevent for: sonic echoes inside the room.
My guess, this console was to interconnect to an outside line.
Technische post met klokje voor gesprekken tellen
Technical console with "phone call counter". Whether it was counting the actual call duration or the connection numbers is not clear to me. I believe that time (duration) does make more sense then the latter.
New section
Radio-ontvangstation Rantja-Ekek
Viewing the receiving station Rantja-Ekek
Rantja is old colonial spelling the combination of 'tj' nowadays in 'Bahasah Indonesia' is written 'c'. Hence, Ranca-Ekek in modern days.
Rantja-Ekek met antenne maquette
The receiving station building
Rantja-Ekek antenna maquette
Some of the antennae in the middle of sawahs
A view which you can find elsewhere in the Preanger province, even nowadays. In my perception, the Preanger is one of the most beautiful areas on earth!
Seemingly, the surrounding is flat, which might have been somewhere not too far from old Bandung (Bandoeng)
I can remember having seen near the Bandung (Bandoeng) airport Anjir these kinds of tall antennae masts. However, it is not certain that these were actually there, or that these similar constructions were erected elsewhere. Because, Anjir is in a flat area
For this occasion, I have left the photo like it is found in the album, as it is expressing a tropical day with heavy rain-clouds.
This photo, however, might give the impression that the antennae where build in a not flat environment
Einde antennepark
The text could suggest that the antenna site is closing down, but it also might mean viewing the border of the 'antenna park' Bearing in mind what I have seen in the many times being in Indonesia, viewing the bamboo rod construction, I get the strong impression that the 'tani' are fishing; which is a welcome substitute to their daily food.
Inwendige van ontvanger (begin 1930)
Viewing a receiver console from the rear site, state of affairs early 1930
Telephonie ontvanger met klok, 6 in één
A wooden cabinet fit with 6 telephony receivers.
4 telefonie ontvangers
4 separate telephony receivers.
Controlling console. Please notice the typical way the wall-panels were made from (Rotan)
Some receivers, whether meant for telephony or telegraphy is not mentioned.
Telephony receiver. Please notice the fine way this wooden cabinet has been polished! Even the white suit of the person next to it is visible.
It is evident, the 'Europeans' were the controlling the station. In those days, locals particularly were engaged in craftsmanship, or that like; they hardly reached a management function.
Although, the caption states: workshop, we may assume, that it constitute the station power control centre. Like was done for the transmitter systems, the receiver low and high tension (100 - 200 V?) was not provide by a battery but was derived from a motor-generator. Maybe the filaments were fed from a battery centre. And the individual 'grid negative' was supplied from individual batteries, as grid currents are very low, we can think of a few µA per receiver; it only had to provided a fixed grid bias. A battery has a extremely low noise content.
Please consider the foregoing text
By Arthur O. Bauer
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