Current status:  30 November 2020

Werner Otto von Hentig's

journey around the world


Great Britain's

Secret Services


1914 - 1947




Meine Diplomatenfahrt ins verschlossene Land

(meant is Afghanistan)



Dr. von Hentig

isued in 1918



Can someone imagine, that British M.I.5 bothered still in 1947 with von Hentig's booklet issued in 1918? 


This map shows von Hentig's endeavour between Europe and Honolulu, constantly chased by British Secret Services




        Copyright: Stiftung Bibliotheca Afghanica

 Sayed Ahmad is the fourth person from the left


        Further photographs of von Hentig's journey are accessible under



 Thanks to Mr. Paul Bucherer, we received also additional information, forcing me to correct what next in my mp4 presentation has apparently been quoted incorrectly:

         ◘    Walter Röhr (1892 - 1927) was not a Scientist, though a Merchant possessing Oriental Experience. After his return to Germany he married to one of von Hentig's sisters.

          ◘    AOB, however, let us assume this is valid; then his passing away at a young age of only 35 years, might have been caused, or at least emphasised, by the treatment he underwent in a British controlled "goal".   


My very good friend Phil Judkins wrote, especially for this occasion, a small essay,  of which I selected two paragraphs:

At the time of the First World War, in India, for example, the forcible repression which followed the ‘Indian Mutiny’ (in Britain)/’Great Rebellion’ (in India) was not far from living memory. The British in many Indian states acted primarily to reinforce existing rulers. Resentment at the British presence was often present, but usually beneath the surface.


In Afghanistan, the aim of the British was the long-running 'Great Game' to stop Russia extending south; Afghanistan was one pawn in that game, but the British military record in Afghanistan had included a disastrous defeat, and British influence placed more reliance on persuasion and bribery.

His full essay called: Afghanistan AOB can be downloaded in PDF




Von Hentig's tour around the world, chased by British Secret Services in mp4


Mein Diplomatenfahrt ins verschlosse Land (Afghanistan); copy of the genuine booklet of 1918! (German language)



By Arthur O. Bauer
