The past colonial era of Dutch Indies
ceased formally in the second half of the 1940s
We will not discuss whether this happened on 17 August 1945 or in December 1949
Most of you might already have once found some contributions on this subject on our website like on Radio Malabar and the Radio Laboratorium in Bandung (Bandoeng, as it formerly was spelled).
We recently received a - very kind - donation to our Archives from late Bob Grevenstuk - consisting of 5 photographic albums. Of which one was already implemented onto our website: Klaas Dijkstra's Photo Prize.
Although, Bob lived there with his parents in the Dutch Indies era, he was too young to have possessed much knowledge to what was going on in the Dutch Indies PTT organisation.
However, he got these photographic albums, among other bits and pieces, from the late Willem F. Einthoven Jr. family in Holland. When this happened I don't know. But, we may assume that Willem Einthoven brought these items to Holland when he was on his 'tropical leave' during late 1939 and/or early 1940. He and also Bob Grenenstuk's parents left in a great hurry Holland with the last passenger liner on 14th May 1940 from IJmuiden harbour; caused by the German rapid invasion of Holland and Western Europe. We know from other sources that they lost merrily everything during the course of the Japanese Occupation of the Dutch Indies. Willem F. Einthoven junior died sadly in Tokyo in March 1945 on pneumonia. And they lost nearly everything. We hardly may assume that only these albums have survived.
For better understanding, we should first consider who took these photos?
When we compare the Klaas Dijkstra's Prize Winning Album with the one on Dajeuh Kolot we recently got, it becomes apparent that it was Klaas Dijkstra who must have photographed both, or at least took most of the many pictures. There is simply far too much similarity in expression, like those clouds and/or aerial structures and other means. Klaas simply lacked the judgement of making a strict selection, as an editor should have done. We therefore are possessing a wider range of unique pictures of all kinds.
What was the link between Klaas Dijkstra and his boss or chief Willem F. Einthoven? The latter was the director of the Radio Laboratorium in Bandung, a division of the colonial Dutch Indies PTT. What is more logical, then that the 'director' got also a copy of a photographic series taken on work being designed and supervised by the Radio Laboratory in Bandung?
We decided to dedicate most relevant photos to a separate webpage. My main consideration is, to bring the best photographic quality possible in respect to what is realistically bearable on the web. I therefore opt for photos with a data content maximally of say 200 - 225 kB, though, owing to the smaller size of pictures, some are about 100 kB. This consequently will create a quite heavy loaded webpage, on the other hand creating the best photo copies possible. Viewing the many small but technical photos, it might become necessary to dedicate a special additional utilities webpage.
Years ago we already established a brief webpage dedicated to the Radio Station of Dajeuh Kolot (Dajeuhkolot)
Page initiated 28 May 2014
Status: 27 June 2014
Please notice two matters
First: you may copy the photographs, but only for non commercial purposes, and only with a proper source reference! We would appreciate a copy of an article, or a reference to the webspace where it has been made accessible.
Second: Our aim is to provide the optimal mixture between good reproducible photo quality and what practically can be conveyed on the web. Those accessing these photo-album-pages must be aware, that you must have an ADSL (DSL) like internet connection. Nowadays, a G 4 connection will do as well, but also UMTS is an option. Otherwise downloading might necessitate quite some patience.
Dajeuh Kolot Zenderpark Covering its construction between 1930 and the opening in October 1936
Dajeuh Kolot Zenderpark utilities photos, in progress. To come in due course
Radio Malabar. A series of photo pages from about 1920 onwards. Done: 28 June 2014.
By: Arthur O. Bauer